
portsmouth comic con guest

colin baker

British Actor Colin Baker is principally known for very contrasting roles in two of the BBC’s most popular programmes: The Brothers in which he was universally loathed as Paul Merroney, the prototype yuppie and Doctor Who, in which he was universally loved as the flamboyant sixth incarnation of The Doctor, a role he successfully reprised in the stage version Doctor Who: The Ultimate Adventure. Colin has also played the Sixth Doctor in an extensive range of popular Doctor Who audio stories for Big Finish Productions.

Colin is married to actress Marion Wyatt. They live in Buckinghamshire with their four daughters, two goats, three cats, three dogs, two horses, thirteen guinea pigs, two degus and a hamster. He says they keep him young – and working!

Autograph: £30
Selfie: £20
Autograph & Selfie: £40